Node Locking in Postflopizer GTO Solver

THB 1000.00
gto bet

gto bet  GTO : This playing style is where you essentially attempt to play perfect poker yourself, which in turn only allows for Learning the preferred GTO bet-size for a bunch of different flop textures doesn't make you good at poker

To truly play GTO, you need to bet big with QJ and TT somewhat often You need to bet small with AK and AA and KQ frequently  These three mistakes in 3-bet pots are sure to cost you a lot of money Almost everyone makes them, and even high-stakes players often succumb to the last one

A lot of players would look at this spot and think, “Well, it makes sense to bet large with the nuts to maximize EV And it makes sense to bet Most #poker players believe that the best way to balance is to simply bet all of their hands for a

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